Precarious Struggle to Criminalize Radicalization and Terrorism Doctrine Actions
are flawed manifestations of religious values and ideologies. The radicalization process
carried out by members of various terror organizations in Indonesia has not received
much attention and hasn’t been responded with concrete efforts to stop its spread as
the precursor to terrorism. The normative legal research method is used in this study
to analyze the positive elements and purposes of regulations related to the educational
system, free speech, and radicalism prevention in Indonesia. Findings of this study
illustrate the legal urgency in Indonesia to carry out normative construction regarding
the criminalization process of radicalization, as well as its limitations and obstacles,
as part of the effort to prevent criminal acts of terrorism. As a point of prevention and
resistance to the spread of radicalism and terrorism in Indonesia, this criminalization
process is juxtaposed with the existing education system.
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